I chose to be a voice for over 300 million women who are voiceless and 3million helpless girls that Silent GENOCIDE is performed on them yearly.every 11 seconds a girl is mutilated every day over 200 bleed to death SILENT GENOCIDE! Am survivor of FGM ! many people react differently to torture, some become the healers(Survivors), I Am a SURVIVOR who chose to fight a good fight. 2stop this crime against women! I will not stop until FGM is history,This Blog is dedicated 2see the END FGM & VAW.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
On May 15th My UK sister Helen Marshal and I Lucy Mashua one month exactly after (FGM RACIST CAKE) the public humiliation to FGM survivors and Activists who work night and day to see the end of FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION and total insensitive to the victims who have died as a resutlt of it. We send by post a letter to the Swedish culture minister demanding an apology for her perticipation in the hurtful scenario April 15th
This morning I received this apology letter in my desk from her desk and I am content with the apology and ready to focus on my fight against FGM which is more important, Swedish minister of culture Lena Adelsohn it takes a bigger person to say "AM SORRY" , Apologies accepted.
Dear Ms Lucy. S. Mashua and Ms Helen Marshall,
Thank you for your letter to the Minister for Culture regarding the events at the Museum of Modern Art on the 15th of April. It has been delegated upon me to answer.
The Minister for Culture sincerely understands your concern in this matter, therefore it is important for her to explain her view on this issue.
On the 15th of August of April the Minister for Culture was invited to the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm where the World Art Day took place and the Swedish Artists’ National Organization celebrated its 75th anniversary. The theme for the event was freedom of expression, the struggle against censorship and art´s freedom to challenge and provoke.
Amongst other artists Makode Linde was invited to create a work of art in the form of a cake. As the opening speaker, the Minister for Culture was asked to cut a piece of Makode Linde’s creation.
The actual purpose of World Art Day was to discuss and highlight the role of art in society. The Swedish national cultural policy assumes that culture shall be an independent force based on the freedom of expression. Art must therefore be allowed room to provoke and pose uncomfortable questions. As the Minister for Culture emphasised in her speech on World Art Day, it is therefore imperative that we defend freedom of expression and freedom of art – even when it causes offence.
The Minister for Culture is the first to agree that Makode Linde’s piece is highly provocative since it deliberately reflects a racist stereotype and a deliberately grotesque caricature of genital mutilation. But the actual intent of the piece – and Makode Linde’s artistry – is to challenge the traditional image of racism, abuse and oppression through provocation. While the symbolism in the piece is despicable, it is unfortunate and highly regrettable that the presentation has been interpreted as an expression of racism. The artistic intent was the exact opposite.
As Minister for Culture it is Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth’s responsibility to safeguard the conditions for and independence of art and culture. At the same time, it is also her job to uphold the democratic values that counter racism, gender inequality and intolerance.
The Minister for Culture chose to open World Art Day to turn the spotlight on art and freedom of expression. The Swedish Artist’s National Organization chose in turn to highlight Makode Linde to bring attention to his anti-racist artistry.
Through the ceremony, however, the Minister for Culture became personally involved in Makode Lindes highly provocative form of expression. It is perfectly obvious that her role as minister differs from that of the artist. Provocation cannot or should not be an expression for those who have the trust and responsibility of Government representative. She therefore feels it is her responsibility to clarify that she is sincerely sorry if anyone has misinterpreted her participation.
The 18th of April 2012, a written apology was published in a nationwide newspaper as well as on the Swedish Government website.
Yours sincerely,
Emy Widén
Desk Officer
Ministry of Culture
Emy Widén
Enheten för konstarterna
SE-103 33 Stockholm
Drottninggatan 16
This is very encouraging people let us all move on and fight the real fight against FGM and not one another
Ambassador Lucy Mashua Assisting and advocating for U.S. refugees and women’s rightsGlobal Ambassador for Ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)Leading the Worldwide Campaign Against FGMLobbying for HR 2221:The Girl's Protection Act sponsored by Rep. Joseph Crowley and Rep. Mary Bono Mack. and S 1919 introduced by Senator Harry Reid,http://twitter.com/Mashuahttp://mashuavoiceforthevoiceless.blogspot.com/http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mashua-Against-FGM/225406701415