I chose to be a voice for over 300 million women who are voiceless and 3million helpless girls that Silent GENOCIDE is performed on them yearly.every 11 seconds a girl is mutilated every day over 200 bleed to death SILENT GENOCIDE! Am survivor of FGM ! many people react differently to torture, some become the healers(Survivors), I Am a SURVIVOR who chose to fight a good fight. 2stop this crime against women! I will not stop until FGM is history,This Blog is dedicated 2see the END FGM & VAW.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Global Whistle blower Lucy Mashua Sharp .
By Kurgat Marindany
Global whistle blower puts Nkedianye’s actions to question
Kajiado governor David Nkedianye was yesterday put under spotlight over his alleged “patronage and meddling” of jobs distribution in the county.
Chairperson of Global Stop FGM Campaign, Ambassador Lucy Semeyian , who based in Dallas Texas, USA yesterday blew a whistle detailing how the county government discriminate on job seekers.
Semeyian’ message on her twitter handle explained how one, Eng. Leshinka Nkurrunka was interviewed for a position of Technical Manager at Olkejuado Water Services Company and scored top points but was later denied the job because of alleged “clanism”.
Former Interior CS, Joseph ole Lenku and Kajiado Woman Representative, Mary Seneta both picked up Semeyian’s tweet and the matter went viral.
The two pointed accusing fingers at governor Nkedianye and claimed Nkurrunka is just one example of many wrongs in the county government and questioned the rationale it uses in hiring civil servants.
Our attempts to reach Nkedianye on his cell phone were not fruitful as he failed to pick it and could not even respond to our message asking him to respond to his accusers.
A copy of a letter attached to Semeyian’s tweet that was addressed to Nkurrunka and signed by one, Catherine from Tanathi Water Service Board, which interviewed him for the job, says in part; “This is to inform you you emerged the top most suitable candidate band therefore yo u have been appointed technical manager at OLWASCO”.
This was never to be because the Egerton University water engineering graduate was replaced by a diploma holder, Robert Munei.
In the county government advert that was placed on a local national newspaper, the minimal requirement for the position was a degree holder in water engineering.
Munei during the interview that was conducted at the East African Portland scored 296 points out of a possible 600 marks (49 per cent) while Nkurrunka scored 493 marks out of 600 (76 per cent).
Lenku said; “What happened to the man is discrimination, he met all the qualifications but nepotism by the county government denied him a chance. I vow that this will never happen under my administration when I become the next governor.”
“I personally called Nkurrunka and I was saddened by the rejection he felt at that moment. Even with confirmation letter that he had been the best during the interview Nkedianye denied him a chance to serve after he was replaced by a diploma holder,” said Lenku yesterday on his twitter handle.
Seneta said “This is unacceptable and is pure impunity on the side of the governor. I condemn with the strongest terms possible”.