10 years ago in Senegal the village of Malicoundo Bambara declared their abandonment of FGM and 2,657 other villages have declared since then , what is shocking FGM is still practiced and girls are being mutilated everyday, some villagers told IRIN news same women dancing and showing off on camera declaring abandonment of FGM behind their closed doors are still mutilating :((. Yes that is Africa for you they will tell foreigners what they want to hear and even pose for the pictures hoping to get something out of it, but girls and women continue to suffer , I am telling you only Africans know Africans so foreign journalist and organizations that want to get credit so much for ending FGM or other man made atrocities make sure that you get the truth from the root don't buy lips service and dancing or any propagandas being spread !! Let the truth be told, don't compromise the truth to please the perpetrators . The truth is your loyalty should remain to the victims!!
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Ambassador Lucy Mashua
Assisting and advocating for U.S. refugees and women’s rights
Global Ambassador for Ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Leading the Worldwide Campaign Against FGM
Lobbying for HR 2221:The Girl's Protection Act sponsored by Rep. Joseph Crowley and Rep. Mary Bono Mack. and S 1919 introduced by Senator Harry Reid,
I chose to be a voice for over 300 million women who are voiceless and 3million helpless girls that Silent GENOCIDE is performed on them yearly.every 11 seconds a girl is mutilated every day over 200 bleed to death SILENT GENOCIDE! Am survivor of FGM ! many people react differently to torture, some become the healers(Survivors), I Am a SURVIVOR who chose to fight a good fight. 2stop this crime against women! I will not stop until FGM is history,This Blog is dedicated 2see the END FGM & VAW.