Celeb Jihad reports:
“Beyonce, queen of the crusader whores and puppet of the Zionist entertainment complex, plans to bring her filthy sex act to the heart of the Muslim world with a concert in Cairo. Not since al-Malik al-Adil Nur ad-Din Abu al-Qasim Mahmud Ibn ‘Imad ad-Din Zangi fought the crusaders in Damascus has the Muslim world faced such a threat!”
“If Beyonce is allowed to go ahead with her insolent sex party, all of our daughters risk growing up whores. Soon, they will dare to show their ankles in a public setting, or sit in a room with a grown man who is not an immediate family member”!
“If Beyonce insists on traveling to Egypt, she must be met with fierce resistance! She should be arrested and made to have a female circumcision in order to correct her wicked urges. If she objects, she must be stoned to death. Only then can our daughters be safe from Western vice and debauchery”.
Wow, those are some harsh words.
Please share your thoughts.
Should Beyonce continue on with her show or should she cancel?
And the Chairperson of a worldwide campaign against FGM.
Main office Dallas Texas USA.
This is Another stunning example of the power of FEAR. As long as (Muslim or othewise) men are afraid of a woman’s sexuality and nature, they will use threats and violence to oppress it. Thank GOD for America and all countries where women can be comfortable in their own God-given flesh and express themselves freely without being punished for the evil thoughts of OTHERS.
I would like to know how sitting in a room with men that are not family members and showing ankles is acting like a whore. She should have a her genitals mutilated so she can resist her sexual urges? This culture is abominable. Women are mothers, nurturers, and homemakers! Why is it that male culture blames women for being whores because they cannot control their own sexual urges, even though it is the woman in the house that glues the family together?
The men in that culture believe women are like horny children. Without male supervision they would be masturbating in corners and screwing random men because they cannot control their sexual urges. Does this even sound remotely plausible?
so the question is should she cancel or what?
Beyonce please join our campaign to STOP FGM..
Girl can you imagine your clitoris cut off? and your vagina stitched up together?
help end FGM! this is a wake up call for the celebreties!
Ambassador Lucy .s .Mashua President of Mashua's voice for the voiceless International
Assisting refugees in the US and representation in advocasy
The Global Ambassador for fighting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and standing up for Women’s Rights.
And the Chairperson of a worldwide campaign against FGM.